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Concert Reviews from our Youth Advisory Council

7 Oct 2021

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The biggest thing I took away from the concert was the feeling of excitement about the return of the Orchestra’s live performances!"

Stephanie Humphreys

The Emperor conducted by Maxim Emelyanychev

Stephanie Humphreys, a member of our Youth Advisory Council, attended our Autumn 2021 Season opener at the Usher Hall on 30th September and shares her experience of returning to live SCO concerts.

After almost two years of waiting, the world is starting to open up again. Shops are opening their doors, events previously cancelled are resuming, and the most exciting of all, live music is returning!

Last week’s Scottish Chamber Orchestra concert, ‘The Emperor’, felt very much like a celebration of the return of the Orchestra, and they certainly rose to the occasion. There was an excited buzz in the audience as people found their seats, and as the concert began, Gavin Reid (CEO) came onto the stage to welcome everyone back. He was answered with applause and cheering from an audience who were clearly delighted.

Then came the main event - the music. The Orchestra played the first joyous chord, lingering in the moment of instruments sounding together once more. Recorded concerts have certainly kept us going, but there’s no replacement for seeing all the instrumentalists sitting on the stage, and to hear the collective sound of their instruments there and then!

‘The Emperor’ was my favourite piece of the evening as it was sensational and thrilling. The playing of the solo pianist, Lukas Geniušus, was smooth, effortless, and lyrical, and the players were so in tune with each other (literally and metaphorically!) They all moved together and did not shy away from quiet moments, moments in which you could have heard a pin drop in the audience. It was exciting to see the principal conductor Maxim Emelyanychev conducting once again. He was energetic and enthusiastic - qualities which were channelled into the Orchestra’s playing. The Orchestra then followed the Beethoven, with Mendelssohn’s Scottish Symphony, another beautiful piece.

The biggest thing I took away from the concert was the feeling of excitement about the return of the Orchestra’s live performances. Whatever your preferred genre, concerts are something we’ve all missed, and I can’t wait to go and see more of the SCO!

The players were so in tune with each other as they all moved together, and they did not shy away from quiet moments; moments in which you could have heard a pin drop in the audience.

Get to know our Youth Advisory Council here.

Autumn 2021 Season

We are delighted to be presenting our Autumn Season of live and digital concerts. Discover the programme and how to book tickets!

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