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What was your first concert experience?

The first concert I attended was to see Kyung Wha Chung perform as a soloist in the South Bank Centre when I was around 7 years old. If I'm honest, the thing I most remember is that we bumped into her in the car park afterward and I remember that she asked to see the hands of my sisters and myself. She correctly guessed that my sisters both played the violin, but when she looked at mine, she immediately said I should play the cello! I was so thrilled, as I had just switched from the violin to the cello and was absolutely loving it!

What does creativity mean to you?

Being able to express how you feel in different mediums.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Always be never know what someone else is going through.

What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?

Open the windows!

Which is your favourite season of the year, and why?

I think I like autumn best. So many beautiful colours and some great foraging to be had!

What is your favourite cuisine to make, or just to eat and enjoy?

I love cooking. My desert island cuisine would have to be Korean because it is so varied, colourful and abundant in flavour. But I also love the alchemy of creating spice

Where is your 'happy place'?

Luckily I have many answers to this question. I'm always happy eating delicious food. But I also love when I'm walking in the mountains, whatever the weather!

My desert island cuisine would have to be Korean

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