How your legacy will help
It is always very touching when we discover that someone has been kind enough to leave a gift to the SCO in their Will. In doing so they help us to fulfil our mission to transform and enhance lives and communities throughout Scotland and beyond through the power of inspirational music-making.
Former Conductor Laureate Sir Charles Mackerras had the vision to see how he could help the SCO by instructing that after his death the Orchestra should receive his future royalties from his recordings. The money invested from these royalties recently helped towards the funding of Robin Ticciati’s recording of the Brahms Symphonies. We feel sure that Sir Charles would have approved, and we remember him with the utmost respect, fondness and gratitude.

The late Judith Pickles was a regular attendee of SCO concerts and her gift of £5,000 enabled the SCO to plan with confidence the development of Dots and Lines, a creative workshop combining music, movement and visual art specially designed for nursery children. This programme reached many young children throughout Scotland.
She is a completely different child now. She was able to express herself.