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2022 is almost here! Before the year closes, we thought we'd take a look back at some of our concert highlights in photographs...

The beginning of the year saw the continuation of our Digital Concert Series. From January to May, we were at Perth Concert Hall recording exciting performances with some wonderful guests.

The summer welcomed the return of in-person performances and what a joy it was to play to live audiences again at the BBC Proms and Edinburgh International Festival and to welcome back our Principal Conductor Maxim Emelyanychev.

We were able to reunite with some of our Scottish touring audiences visiting Blair Atholl, Hamilton and Duns to perform Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in September.

An orchestra play different musical instruments in a hall while a an audience sit watching in tiered seating.

The Orchestra performing in Hamilton Town Hall in September.

At the end of September, we launched our Autumn Concert Season and have since had the pleasure to be back on stage with some fabulous artists in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth, Aberdeen and St Andrews.

An audience sit in a concert hall watching an orchestra playing instruments on a stage.

The Orchestra perform on stage at Glasgow City Halls

Credit: Ryan Buchanan 2021

Thank you to everyone who has joined us online or in-person to share musical moments with us over this past year, we look forward to more in the new year!

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